Delivering "Rich Media" to the Web
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Rich Podcasting : Online Seminar
The publishing industry is undergoing a rapid transformation. Savvy professionals are now creating rich media websites to increase viewership—a survival strategy that has worked remarkably well for a number of news organizations. And it can work for you. Brian Storm, president of MediaStorm, shows news professionals how to use Final Cut Pro to take digital storytelling to a whole new level with rich media podcasting. Join Brian as he demonstrates just what you can do in the newsroom on your Mac Pro—or on the road with your MacBook Pro. Brian’s free seminar includes tips and best practices for capturing compelling audio and digital video footage.You will learn:• How to combine digital photos, audio, and video in Final Cut Pro• How to create a universal master to deliver news in any format, from HD broadcast to podcast• How to record sound to amplify a story• How to use Final Cut Pro to create an immersive rich media experience. Register for the Seminar (free) here.
Rich Podcasting : Online Seminar at DigMo!
technorati tags:DigMo!, FCP, podcasting, storytelling, MacBook, digital
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